Taking a Gratitude Inventory
Many say there are two types of people, one who sees a glass as half-empty, and the other who sees it as half-full. Which are you? Do you dwell on every little negative in life, or rejoice in the beauty, blessings and delights of each day?
We can likely agree that the world we currently live in is one crazy place! We simply cannot go a day without being pummeled with news of wars, economic unrest, social divides, political divisiveness, and loads more assorted drama, all taking place right there before our very eyes.
How do you deal with the barrage of negativity? A good practice is to ground yourself in nature, meditate, listen to music, read a book for pure enjoyment, and turn off the news. Personally, when I feel stressed, I like to sit back and assess what is going right in my life, and in the world. Want a quick and easy check on how good your life is? Start by answering this question: ‘did you wake up this morning?’ Answering for you, it’s a ‘yes!’ since you’re obviously reading this post; now with that awareness you are one step further ahead in changing your entire attitude about life.
Each morning when I realize I am still earthbound, I feel thankful that I woke up in a warm, comfortable bed, one that allowed me to sleep peacefully through the night. I think about the number of people who wish they had any bed at all last night. Those living on the streets, who lack the resources or a safe place to lay their head.
Maybe it’s because I am astrologically a water sign but I am so grateful to be able to take a daily hot shower, or a hot bath on a cold winter night. I find both to be especially grounding and meditative. I always receive some of my best thoughts and ideas in the warm embrace of the shower.
Volunteer, Donate, Appreciate
Shortly after I moved to Sedona in July 2013, I began volunteering my time as a dog walker at the Humane Society of Sedona. Having rescued a dog earlier in my life, I was then lacking the unconditional love and companionship that only a dog provides.
One particularly hot, steamy Sedona morning, I had one major realization as I made my way back to the shelter with a dog in tow. I was huffing and puffing as I navigated one of the way-too-steep upwardly-inclined streets on our return, when I suddenly realized how lucky I was! Despite my exertion, I was able to make it up that hill, winded or not. What popped into my head was a vision of the many people in this world who would give anything just to be able to walk at all, on any surface. Simply being able to walk is a blessing we all likely take for granted most days.
My time at the Humane Society also did many other things for me, as well. I thought walking shelter dogs would allow me the opportunity to have my ‘dog fix’ without the responsibility and expense of adoption. And, it did work for a month or two! I was able to meet some of the most gracious and caring people in town, and almost immediately met my own ‘animal soul mate,’ Henry, an Australian Shepherd mix. Admittedly, being very biased, Henry was the very best dog ever. From the minute I took him home, we were a team.

Days after adopting Henry, we went hiking in the desert. With no one around, I admit I broke the ‘law’ in letting him off leash. He made a run for it, racing 10 feet ahead, then suddenly stopped, turning his head back to me, as if asking ‘aren’t you coming?’ Henry rarely left my side from that day forward. Over the years, if someone asked to walk him, he only went if I were nowhere in his sight. He was that connected to me (and me to him), that he only wanted me to take him. While a medical condition ultimately took him from me in late June 2022, I know he will always be a spiritual presence in my life. I consider him a blessing to this day, a best friend who would be hard to replace.
Feeling down? Take stock of what you should be grateful for!
Without a tremendous amount of thought, take the time today, or at the start of the new day, to think about what you have that you are grateful for in your own life. Look for the blessings that sometimes mysteriously turn up for you.
A series of blessings in my own life occurred on a recent birthday. I had plans to meet my good friend Alex for dinner at a mall in La Jolla, CA. With no earlier plans, I decided to take in a movie at the theatre there before dinner. I arrived about 15 minutes before the show, parked in the 2-hour free lot, and proceeded towards the theatre. Since it was post-COVID, I hadn’t been to a movie in a few years. I entered the theatre, and showed the app on my phone to pay for my ticket. The app failed to work, twice. At that point the theatre employee told me to go on in. Don’t I need a ticket? I asked. No, it’s fine, go on in. Seemed strange but they knew what they were talking about, right? Turns out I was the only one at that Elvis matinee, and only later did I realize that I paid absolutely nothing for my private showing! Birthday blessing #1.
Later at the restaurant, Alex also treated me to dinner for my birthday. First a movie, then a dinner? Wow, blessing #2! Following dinner, as we often do, we walked the mall to get some exercise. As we made our way down one section of stores, my eye looked down and saw a dropped parking ticket. Stooping down to retrieve it, I saw that it was an employee ‘day pass’ entitling the employee, now me, to free parking! Score a #3 birthday gift. Thank you, Universe!

My Favorite Prayer of Grace and Gratitude
For food in a world where many walk in hunger,
For faith in a world where many walk in fear,
For friends in a world where many walk alone,
We give you thanks, O Lord.
Author unknown
There are so many things that we should be grateful for that we often take completely for granted! A home that allows us the comfort to live without fear of homelessness. The financial resources to buy food. Clothes to wear. Comfortable furnishings and artwork that lightens the soul. Indoor plumbing. How about your own washer and dryer? To many in this world that is a luxury. Family and Friends to love and be loved by. A great town to live in, mine only 2 miles to the ocean. Faith. Technology, of all kinds. Health (even with the occasional aches and pains), including our sight, our hearing, our ability to be independent! And so much more.
Practice Gratitude Daily and most challenges will seem less important!
One simple way to think about your own blessings is to be willing to ADAPT your thinking about what you truly have in your life:
A: Assess the blessings you do have, and sometimes overlook as blessings
D: Decide that you will begin to not take anything for granted
A: Appreciate what you have, not what you lack
P: Pay your blessings forward. Volunteer your time, or your financial resources, to those in need
T: Be Thankful. A state of gratitude will always change your life for the better.
It bears repeating: The best way to feel better about your own circumstances in life is to help others who are less fortunate. Most often, when we complain about how bad things are, someone else in this world would gladly trade places with us. Think about the life path that many of our neighbors, both near and far, endure. I don’t know about you but I think I’m good…and very grateful. Thank you, Universe!
Thanks for reminding me of what is important in life. I appreciate you!